The best way to stream is through a Premium account. This account can be through Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Youtube Music, Amazon Music, Pandora or Tidal. Premium accounts count 4.5x more than an account streaming on a non premium account.

You’re able to loop songs on pandora ONLY. This is helpful when it comes tracks debuting on Hot100.

An easy way to guarantee that you are streaming properly is to connect your Premium account to Stationhead and listen there. You are able to stream all day with your device as long as your volume is on even at 1%.


What is Pandora? A music streaming platform exclusive to the US/PR.

Why is it special? All streams on Pandora count towards BB Hot 100. Streams are not heavily filtered and there’s no need to fuss around with specific playlists, filler songs, interactions.

Pandora is the MOST EFFICIENT streaming method for US/PR fans; because streams are not heavily filtered, you can build playlists with minimal songs (1-2 songs) between the title track & passively stream.

Is it free? For this project, yes. You will all be using a Premium Trial to support JAEHYUN. You may upgrade to Premium if you wish.

Okay how do I do that?

  1. Objective: Stream ‘Smoke (English Version)’ and ‘Roses’ repeatedly to increase plays on Pandora.
  2. How do I do that? Quick playlist of ‘Smoke (English Version)’ ‘Flamin’ Hot Lemon’ and ‘Roses’ that you just loop 24/7 on a free trial. We recommend doing this on PC so you can loop uninterrupted all day.
  3. When do I start? Friday September 27 when the Billboard tracking week begins, and the ‘J’ - Th 1st Album being shipped from online stores and actual physical stores like Target, B&N, Walmart.
  4. Seems easy enough. Am I making the playlist? Yes, it’s easy just follow our instructions. You can also add or copy the playlist we provide to your Pandora library to stream from. You could technically loop the song 24/7 since all streams count, but we want to play it safe.

Create a Premium Pandora Account

Create a Playlist

Listen to your playlist